Pick Wayne's Brain

August 9, 2014

It Was Forty Years Ago Today

Filed under: Commentary — Tags: , , , , — Wayne A. Schneider @ 12:56 PM

It was forty years ago today, August 9, 1974, that President Richard M. Nixon bid farewell to his staff. At noon that day, Vice President Gerald R. Ford, appointed to the Vice Presidency upon Spiro Agnew’s resignation over corruption and tax evasion activities (they weren’t just allegations; he took a bribe in his VP office from a Maryland contractor) took the oath of office to become our nation’s first un-elected president (the next being George W. Bush). Fun Fact: Dick Cavett noted that the letters in Spiro Agnew’s name can be rearranged to spell “Grow A Penis”.

My late father-in-law, a very spiritual Catholic, stunned his family when he said (as Nixon waved from Marine One), “See you in the funny papers.”

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